Saturday 10 December 2011

Lying Face Down Plate Neck 

1. Lie face down with your whole body straight on a flat bench while holding a weight plate behind your head. 

Tip: You will need to position yourself so that your shoulders are slightly above the end of a flat bench in order for the upper chest, neck and face to be off the bench. This will be your starting position.
2. While keeping the plate secure on the back of your head slowly lower your head (as in saying "yes") as you breathe in.

Well! Well! Well! I am back  with my tips as I promised and thank u for all ur support . I m honoured.

GUYS I have seen many people have double chin and are worried about it. Double chin is nothing but the extra skin that sags under your chin. It is very common in obese and older people. It can be very depressing because it makes you look older than you are and makes your face look droopy and out of shape. In order to overcome this situation you have to think of double chin reduction methods to get back in shape. There are different ways of removing the double chin. You can do it on your own or use surgical methods. Women seem to be more conscious about this problem and look for ways for getting rid of it. Read on to find out the different ways of double chin reduction. 

Friday 9 December 2011

Looks is the most important aspect nowadays as many youngsters crave for a chisel shaped body but forget maintaining their face,which is the most or foremost thing,I would quote... that leads any individual to a good personality CHRIS EVAN as in the cover has one of the best chiseled 

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wrist exercise to get yourself a strong wrist

In most sports, the wrists and forearms are involved in athletic movements or skills. Any sport that involves throwing also involves the wrists and forearms. Spiking and setting in volleyball demand strong wrists and forearms. Swinging a golf club or baseball bat requires strong wrists and forearms. Sports that demand a strong grip - such as wrestling, rock climbing, or water skiing require strong wrists and forearms.

 Everyday functional activities can be enhanced with strong wrists and forearms. It only makes sense to spend the time to strengthen this area of your body.

here are some exercises to make wrist strong

1. Clutch hammer or hand weight with _____
hand. Place the wrist, with palm facing down,
over the end of knee.
2. With forearm against thigh, rotate hand until
palm is up. Hold for _____ seconds, then
return to beginning position.
3. Do ___ repetitions _____ sets a day.
• Avoid lifting forearm or elbow off thigh.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Top Muscle-Building, Fat Blasting Workouts

What I have noticed over the years is that many people will train regularly for a few months and then will either get bored with the same old weight training and cardio routines, or will get discouraged because their progress comes to a grinding halt after a while. In my opinion, I don’t think your workouts ever need to get boring or stale. You just need to have an open mind to the huge world of various training styles and techniques that are out there. Seriously, there are so many different and fun training styles out there, that there is no reason you should ever get bored with your workouts and give up on that lean ripped body that you’ve been looking for. Also, mixing in various training styles builds stronger joints by reducing repetitive movement pattern overload and varying your training stressors.
Now I think one of the best ways to achieve a lean, muscular and healthy body is through a consistent weight training routine with free weights.You can choose to integrate some of these alternative training techniques with your weight training routines on the same day, as alternative workouts on separate days of the week, or even as separate training cycles where you try some of these techniques for several weeks at a time before cycling back to a traditional weight training workout. Try some of these training styles out and you’ll be on your way to never being bored again with your workouts…and your body will thank you with muscles popping out that you never knew existed!

Monday 5 December 2011

Different Style of Weight Training for a Ripped Body

If you’ve never heard of “complexes” before, the basic concept is that instead of repeating the same exercise for multiple reps to complete a “set”, you sequence one rep of several different exercises right after one another and repeat the sequence several times to complete a “set”. No, this is NOT circuit's much different. It’s basically like performing a routine, instead of just mindlessly performing a typical “set”. This type of training is excellent to work a huge amount of musculature in a short amount of time, and definitely takes your workouts to a whole new level of intensity. The conditioning aspect of this type of training is amazing, as you’ll find yourself huffing and puffing after repeating a sequence a mere two or three times. If I had to venture a guess, I’d have to say that this type of training probably elicits a good growth hormone response as well, due to the large amount of full body work completed in a given time period. But that’s just my guess.