In most sports, the wrists and forearms are involved in athletic movements or skills. Any sport that involves throwing also involves the wrists and forearms. Spiking and setting in volleyball demand strong wrists and forearms. Swinging a golf club or baseball bat requires strong wrists and forearms. Sports that demand a strong grip - such as wrestling, rock climbing, or water skiing require strong wrists and forearms.
Everyday functional activities can be enhanced with strong wrists and forearms. It only makes sense to spend the time to strengthen this area of your body.
here are some exercises to make wrist strong
1. Clutch hammer or hand weight with _____
hand. Place the wrist, with palm facing down,
over the end of knee.
2. With forearm against thigh, rotate hand until
palm is up. Hold for _____ seconds, then
return to beginning position.
3. Do ___ repetitions _____ sets a day.
• Avoid lifting forearm or elbow off thigh.
1. While clutching a hammer in _____ hand as
if ready to pound a nail, sit. Rest the same
forearm on thigh.
2. Keeping forearm and elbow on thigh, raise
hammer as high as possible, then lower
hammer as quickly as possible.
3. Do ___ repetitions _____ sets a day.
• Use slow, steady movement.
Wrist Curls
Perform this with either a bar or dumbbells. Sit on a bench or chair and rest your forearms on your knees. Hold the bar or dumbbells with an underhand grip, so that your palms face up. Relax your wrists so they drop as far as possible toward the floor, and then raise the bar up and back toward you, while keeping your forearms down on your knees.Return the bar or dumbbells toward the floor to complete one repetition. The range of motion in this exercise is not big; it is a fairly short upward and downward motion.
Reverse Wrist Curls

Perform this with either a bar or dumbbells. Sit on a bench or chair and rest your forearms on your knees. Hold the bar or dumbbells with an overhand grip, so that your palms face down. Relax your wrists so they drop as far as possible toward the floor, and then raise the bar up and back toward you, while keeping your forearms down on your knees.Return the bar or dumbbells toward the floor to complete one repetition. The range of motion in this exercise is not big. It, too, is a fairly short upward and downward motion.
Wrist Rolls
Perform this exercise with a stick that has a rope attached to the middle, and a weight attached to the other end of the rope. Grab the stick with an overhand grip toward each end of the stick.Using only your forearms and wrists, roll the rope around the stick until the weight reaches the stick, then roll the rope off the stick until the weight reaches the floor.
Wrist Rotations
Perform this with dumbbells. Sit on a bench or chair and rest your forearms on your knees. Hold the dumbbells with an underhand grip so that your palms face up. Keeping your forearms on your knees, rotate the dumbbells inside until your palms are facing down.
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